Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day two-woo hoo

It's crazy how many people will give you tips, pointer, and help if you ask. I've been given some great advice at the anfang of this feat and I want to thank you all. The best advice so far has been to listen to my body, be patient, stretch, and enjoy the occasional imbiber. Occasional. It is true that I have decided to cut most meat out of my diet, drink a shit ton more of water, and rarely drink alcohol. I know this might seem impossible if you know me but I am determined to change my life. I want to live a longer healthier life and getting wasted on a regular basis doesn't fit into that plan. I have relied on spirits and booze for too long and now it's time to rely on myself. My body is a temple and I must respect and nurture her. Anyway, I'm feeling good and focusing on getting informed. A friend recommended that I get the book "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer." I ordered it on-line from Powell's and it should be ready for pick-up in 1-4 days. It's been a great day.

Training: 3.2 mile run, 45 min of stretching and weight lifting
Days til race: 107
Weather: Another beautiful day in P-town
Mood: Optimistic

1 comment:

  1. This is so incredible! I'm very proud of what you are doing and admire your drive to be a healthier person. Now if I could just put down the ice cream...
