Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 4

I woke up early today and all I could think about was running. I ate a Luna bar and hit the road. It was my first long run today and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I can't remember the last time I ran more than 3 miles at once. Perhaps back in high school when I ran JV cross country but I doubt it. Now, it's not that my run today was much longer than I'm used to but it's still a distance I don't know well. I'm sure I will cherish 4 mile runs soon enough. Anyway, the run started out great and was going well until about the 3 mile mark when I had to go to the bathroom. Big bathroom not hold it bathroom. I tried to use a Honey-Bucket I passed but it was locked, I thought about just going along side the road somewhere but thought better, and then, a lovely little coffee shop appeared. Thank god. After continuing my run, I found myself randomly amid a leukemia and lymphoma run/walk benefit. I tried to keep pace with some of the runners but after about a block I had to slow down. It was kinda neat to have the feeling I was actually running in a race, if only for a block. I ended my 4 miles with a sprint and it felt awesome. The only pain I had was in my back lower right leg and I believe proper stretching could have prevented this from happening. I am a bit worried about shin splints and I hope to figure out how to work through any and all further running induced issues. I may need new shoes. Overall a great day and it's only noon. Sweet.

Training: 4 mile run
Days til race: 105
Weather: sunny and cool
Mind: content

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