Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 98

Still running. I keep meaning to write but seem to find other things to do. Like make bread and read US weekly. I have been running though. I did have to take a week off due to a tendon injury. It kinda sucked not running but I knew I had to rest. My tendon feels much better but still a bit sore. I'm avoiding steep hills at the moment. I think this Saturday will be my first time back in Forest Park since I got hurt. I will never run in a torrential downpour again. Ick! I did do 9 miles yesterday. I actually ran from my house to Sellwood. It was rad. I am going to do 10 this weekend and that will be the longest I go until the race. I can't believe I'm running the Half in less than 2 weeks. Wow. What a journey it's been. I've gone up and down and all around. I've learned a new meaning of discipline and self respect. I believe in myself. I am healthier, stronger, and totally hot. I like running now. And it's like life. It's not always easy but you push through and in the end you find happiness and all the other reasons to keep on living. Here I come Vegas, Rock 'N' Roll me!!!!

Training: No runs on Sunday
Days til race: 14 days
Mind: A bit nervous

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 84

Ooops. It's been 2 weeks since my last post. SLACKER!!! I'm still running. A lot. I ran 8 miles in the pouring down rain yesterday. Not sure it was the best idea but it had to happen someday. This is Oregon. I was going to run 9 miles but I made a deal with the rain. If it wanted to keep monsooning, I was only going to run 8 miles. I'm off today and cleaning the house like a mad woman. And doing 3 loads of laundry. I can't believe Vegas is in like 3 1/2 weeks. I'm getting new shoes this week. I'm super excited about that. Pretty much the best thing ever. Pretty much not the best thing ever was when I "hit a wall" last week. It SUCKED. I hadn't eaten much all day and then set out on a 6 miler. Dumb! My muscles were starved for energy and didn't want to function properly. I could barely move my legs and I felt like I might actually have to stop and walk. Or just fall over. Luckily, I made it home and learned a very valuable lesson. Must eat before running. But not to soon before. Running is crazy. I love it.

Training: cleaning the house
Days til Race: 27
Mind: holy crap